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EControl Syntax Editor

Syntax, text folding, structure view Unicode text editor ...


Syntax, text folding, structure view "Text Unicode editor, ..."< br> dovnload.co.uk Editor: Powerful text editor with syntax highlighting.
This editor is built using EControl Syntax Editor SDK.
More important and unique feature is 100% customizable lexer, so you can set for each type of text file. DFM flow and standard VCL resource Lexer stored in text format uses self. Editor

- Delphi 2007 like;
- Fast loading huge files (several megabytes).
- Localized: English, Russian, German;
- Split screen;
- Customizable text folding;
- Customizable text structure tree view;
- Customizable keymapping;
- 100% customizable lexer (lexical analysis). Comfortable visual lexer editor;
- Lexers a "Sub Lexer" rules;
- Code templates using a few nested lexers highlighting.Combining;
- Auto-correction;
- Spell checking;
- Print / print preview;
- Powerful search / replace (regular expressions, searching all ...);< br> - Incremental search; HTML
- Export / RTF syntax highlighting;
- Copy to clipboard RTF selection;
- Block staples (hierarchical text representation);
- User ranges, and text folding custom lexer independent highlighting;
- Stack-marks such as CodeRush enables;
- Unlimited bookmarks;
- Animation;
- Normal, column and line selection, clipboard operations for;
- Right side, persistent blocks, keep the text caret, and many other options;

Highlight features:
- Highlighting styles can use any font;
- Text region borders;
- Text style using the hidden attribute to hide parts;
- Multilevel style merging;
- Dynamic by highlighting depended on caret position. Highlights valid blocks (for example, the current procedure, brackets, "begin ..." finally "block ...);< br> - Line stressing; Visual Basic IDE through the line as the separator
- Text section;
- Special formatting

Default Lexer Library by highlighting the bridge file types 30 (): C + +, Pascal, Basic, SQL, Delphi Resources, HTML and XML, style sheets for over contains lexers, Ini files, Help Contents, Assembler, PHP ... can free to download now EControl Syntax Editor 2.50.

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